Building Block support has been added for these 5 Interaction SDK use cases: Grabbable Item, Throwable Item, Pointable Item with Hand Ray, Pokeable Item with Poke Limiting, and Synthetic Hands. Developers can drag and drop the block into their project via the Building Blocks browser.
The Palm Menu prefab has been added to showcase a pokeable panel menu that uses the off hand’s palm as a physical backstop for poke interactions. A demo of this prefab can be found in the Poke Examples sample scene.
If your HandGrabPose uses a surface, the hand can slide along it even while grabbing. Consider this feature for handrails, levers and other grabbables attached to the world. You can define if the hand always slides or only when loosely grabbing.
The new InteractorGroupDebugTree allows developers to visually debug a hierarchy of InteractorGroups. Attach it to the root InteractorGroup and see in runtime the state of all sub-Interactors.